
Machinehead Software - Web Site For Sale

The entire Machinehead Software web site including the world famous cycling software, misc downloads, source codes for everything currently availiable for download, and comedy pages about traffic cones and weapons of mass delusion are now for sale.

Emailed bids will not be taken seriously. Sealed tender bids are invited by snail mail (my address is here). All things are negotiable. Please state in your letter, the amount you are offering, exactly what you want in return and how long the offer stands for.

If you are an existing Machinehead customer. Thanks very much, you have been lovely people and running the site and software has been fun. Besides tomorrow is always another day as they say and my circumstances could change. The sale of Machineheadland will be a reluctant one. If I hadn't written the bicycle software and the gear calculator in particular I wouldn't have been offered my first programming job to subsidize the site with. If you are thinking of becoming a customer. Don't let the for sale sign stop you. I have not ceased trading and the site isn't in imminent danger of vanishing for at least six months to a year and I look forwards to hearing from you.

If you are a potential employer, and possibly worried that if offered a job I might spend all my time working for Machinehead software. You needn't worry because Machinehead Software has always been part time on my part and the amount of time and effort to keep the company ticking over is minimal. But now you don't even have to take my word for this, because you can buy the company if you are that worried.

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