Webmasters Weaponry
Machinehead Software Machinehead Software
Machinehead Software Machinehead Software
Webmasters Weaponry

File Conversion

Webmasters Weaponry
Webmasters Weaponry - File conversion

The Webmasters Weaponry file conversion utility gets around a problem that occurs when you have edited a web page (or just about any text based file) using a Linux or Unix text editor. Then you attempt to read the file under windows using notepad you find that it looks like this, instead of like this. The black squares in the first screenshot will either be linefeed or carriage return characters in isolation. Notepad doesnt know what to do with these. It expects a two character carriage return line feed sequence to signify a new line. Hence all the indentation gets squashed up.

Webmasters Weaponry's file conversion utility simply replaces all unaccompanied line feeds and/or carriage returns with a carriage return line feed sequence.

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