Nigel Jones - flying the British flag
Nigels Software Nigels Software
Nigels Software Nigels Software
Nigel Jones - flying the British flag

Nigel Jones Is Not A Member of Parliament

I Nigel Jones categorically deny the rumors that I have become a repression oriented politician. Specifically I am not the member of parliament for Cheltenham. So if you have email for that Nigel Jones please will you send it to him and not to me! I have and have never had any desire to become an MP. Any rumours you might hear to the contrary are completely exaggerated and false. I have no plans to stand for election at any time in the foreseeable future. And I am not seeking world domination or looking to bring about democratic regime change and I have never been involved in any kind of sex scandal.

If I was an MP cyclists would be able to purchase bicycle components completely tax free 8)

I have never even been inside the house of commons or taken any active part in any kind of debate within the house of commons. Although I do enjoy a good party I am not a member of any political parties including, Liberal Democrat Party, Labour party, Conservative party (Tories), communist party, fascists/BNP, or even the monster raving loony party. Although I would be the first to admit that some of the loony party's policies were most attractive. In particular the promise to abolish Monday mornings and Friday afternoons, and the election promise to tow the UK a couple of hundred miles south in search of an improved climate.

Words Of Wisdom From Nigel "I am not an MP" Jones

Only half of the worlds problems are caused by politics. The remainder are caused by politicians!

Mostly I leave the politics to the politicians, although employment is currently a big issue

Nigel Jones is a registered voter!

Other government positions not occupied by Nigel Jones include: Employment Minister, Transport Minister and PM.

If you are looking for the former or has been MP for Cheltenham (also called Nigel Jones) you will find him listed here along with a whole bunch of other people called Nigel Jones. The People Who Think They Are JONES Nigel page is democracy in action. The intentions (of 'Jones the programmer') were in the best liberal and democratic tradition to give all of the people called 'Jones Nigel' a fair crack of the whip.

Complaints | Nigels Cycling Software | Nigels Power Calculator | Nigels Web Tools | Nigels Music Player | Nigels Abacus | Nigel's Puzzle

Page Design by Nigel Jones Don't mess with Nigel he's a registered voter!